2025 Catholic Loiret Personals (Centre, France)
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Tiffy72 (0)
38 / F-F / Hauts-de-France
Single >> Long-Term
Like readings and watching movies
I'm a woman looking for a woman who will understand me for who i am
Louisweet (0)
76 / M-F / Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Divorced >> Other Relationship
My first name is Louis ... I am looking for a charming Lesbian girl, or in couple, not for sexual relations, but for a serious loving complicity from the heart ... If I am accepted to share his life by leading me to the *Marriage*, then the money of my pension of 2.100€/month (or $) will also be his and also at his disposal ... Our marriage will never be a prison for my wife, because out of respect for her, she will always have all her freedom to have a girlfriend with her in order to love each other ... Whether she lives alone or in a couple with her girlfriend, I will know how to take care of her, or her couple, so that she is always the happiest and most fulfilled of wives ... (I use Google Translate)
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