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I met my soulmate on this website. It was so relieving to finally find someone who loves me for me and not just my body. I hope our relationship gets better and eventually we'll get married and I'll have more beautiful kids together. I love him and I know he loves me. Thanks for website or I would have never found Mr. Right.
-kiyasushine7 (21/F/South Carolina)


I made an account on here because I had given up on the girls around the area I live in. I finally found someone on here, and eventually, she is going to move to SC to be with me. Thanks for providing a site where you can meet REAL people who are interested in REAL love.
-Disasterpiece89 (22/M/South Carolina)


totally didn't expect to really find anyone on here but i did. never thought that i would find someone whom i actually want to build something with. so rite on mobi. thank you :)
-loveisevol (29/F/California)


i've met the woman of my dreams. She's funny, sophisticated, and a smart ass just like me. She's beautiful and has a great personality. We get along so well together and i no longer need this site. Thank you and goodbye.
-martin1986 (28/M/Ohio)


well I met someone from here he is amazing. he gave me reson to trust and love again.there are still decent man out here I am so happy u know who u are love u thank u
-shywomen (35/F/Michigan)


Well I never thought that I would find my dreamboat lady. She's from Crete,Greece. Thank you for bring with me when nobody would. I LUV YA.
-superman77 (52/M/Texas)


Met my future husband here on mobi we very happy. Thanks mobi all the best for others out there, didnt think it could ever happen to me.
-melanieannelouise (34/F/Australia)


Thanks to this site i have found someone i really luv n cherish he also luvs me too.he will be coming to my country nxt month to meet me.we have olready planned of getin married.i will encourage the rest of u here to be patient n u will find the one who truelly love you
-Muna (18/F/Ghana)


hello this is great app everyone should try it
-UnoMi777 (21/M/Canada)


Thanks for your site, I met Jesus and I wanna spend the rest of my life with HIM. I wish each and everyone here the best. This site works and has made lots of people happy. I pray each and everyone reading this message, only comes across the best partners
-kenzyjobs2012 (24/M/Cameroon)



Note: The above testimonials are the raw feedback we have received from past users and have not been edited in any way other than being abbreviated in some cases.


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