2025 Bbw Dating App Hørve, Odsherred Kommune, 85 (Region Sjælland, Denmark)

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Aase2002 (0

25 / F-MF / Region Midtjylland

Single >> Talk/Texting

Girl from Denmark searching for friend in U.K or other places

Hi, i’m A girl from Denmark and I would love some LDF/LDR from the U.K or like yeah out there in the world don’t really care where. I’m 15 and is going on am boarding school in Denmark, TEXT ME! I need friends. BTW I’M BISEXUAL!

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TheDanishAngel (0

25 / F-MF / Region Midtjylland

Single >> Talk/Texting


Hey! I want to get to know people. I don't know whether or not i am bisexual, so i am open to both. I am looking for new friends, but maybe a bit flirting is acceptable? Love, TheDanishAngel

Bbw Dating App in Postal Codes 4534.
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