2025 Atheist Personals Talbari, Purnia, 34 (Bihar, India)
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sidiscool (0)
30 / M-F / West Bengal
Single >> Long-Term
looking for bengali cute sexy girl with curly hair
im straight forward,honest and sincier. Rest i leave it for people to judge me
N0ty007 (0)
37 / M-F / Uttar Pradesh
Not Single >> Talk/Texting
Looking for romantic funny girls
Best way talk to me to know more :-P
ImVin (0)
31 / M-F / Uttar Pradesh
Single >> Dating
LookinG for SweeT, Fun, LovinG and little bit NauGhty & FliRty Girl ;)iF sOmeOne AskS mE WhO I WaNt tO bE WitH,I WOulD SimPly sAY,
Hi :)I'm VIN I'm FuN, LovinG, SweeT, FrienDy and little bit NauGhty and FliRty GuY ^_^ ♥I'm nOt PerfeCt, I'm JuSt mE. LOvE mE Or HatE mE, I PrOmiSe It wOn't MakE mE Or BrEak mE.
International Talbari Personals
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