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Minimum how many hours sleep for a good health? (by James12)
Dear friend i m back
friend can give me a suggestion
minimum how many hours sleep for a good health
friend can give me a suggestion
minimum how many hours sleep for a good health
Last edited by James12; 22-Sep-12 3:01 am.
A minimum of 4-6hrs is required for real health. If you do 2hrs of sleep for a.month you .WILL go psychotic.
@James12: U better get some sleep ......u heard what nhguy said and he wasnt kidding, thats very true!
thanks bro i m not going psychoti coz i slepping 5 hours everyday.
Ha ha
Ha ha
I know the recommended bare minimum is 5 hours but I'd say 6 hours as the minimum if it's going to be consistent every day. I work overnight and that extra hour gives me a cushion just in case I go to bed feeling a little extra tired. Meeting the levels of sleep may also be a little more effective. I wake up thinking Ive almost had 7 hours of sleep, not I almost had 5.
try to sleep from 10pm to 4am ! Thats the best timing and beneficial to health;) *source wiki how
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