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Won't speak to my husband cz he doesn't help w baby (by Sparky)

 Sparky (0)  (30 / M-F / Massachusetts)
15-Dec-24 9:30 pm
Won't speak to my husband cz he doesn't help w baby

Throwaway account.I (32F) am married to my husband (32M) and have a 9mo baby. We have been together for 7 years, live together for 4 years and married for 1 year. I am a freelancer and work from home, at the same time attend a part time MSc. My phone starts ringing from 9 am some days and emails keep coming in all morning. My baby wakes up at 9, eats and has a routine (getting dressed playing on the floor etc).
My husband is the owner of a small business that actually runs by itself and he only sends a few mails and talks on the phone for a while every day. Lately, he wakes up at 2 or 3 pm (today 5 pm), sits on his computer for about 3 hours then leaves around 6-7 due to activities and comes back after 9 pm that the baby is asleep. Lately -especially due to Christmas period - my work is overloading, I have coursework essays to deliver for my master's and I also want to be able to spend quality time with the baby not just feeding and changing diapers. I keep asking my husband to wake up earlier (like 10-11 am) help out with the baby, play-feed- take care of her while I work especially if my phone keeps ringing and I have to answer. I receive no help. I feel like I don't have 5 minutes to myself and my husband doesn't have 5 minutes for the baby. I am angry all the time and after several arguments and a comment that I bother him I decided I don't want to argue anymore and stopped talking to him altogether. I explained that since I have nothing positive to say, I don't want to talk. He has made some attempts to talk but brushing off what I am saying. Doesn't want to really get into the conversation just get it over with so I will speak to him again. Other than that he just waits for me to get over it and makes no attempts to fix the situation. On my view, I am already alone so idc for pleasantries. He is sad we don't speak -so am I - but still no effort to contribute or even to wake up at a reasonable time of the day and distract the baby while I work. Not even talking about feeding/ bathing/ taking for a walk. I have help form my mother and MIL but I can't ask them to keep the baby more than 4-5 hours a day, during which I also have to do laundry, make baby's meals etc . Its been 4 days now and at this point even I don't know how it will change since the situation remains the same. Any advice?
TL;DR I am working from home and taking care of a baby. Even though my husband has time to help he won't. I stopped speaking to him 4 days ago. Any advice?




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