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I've been LC with my (29F) dad (54M) for quite some time and he tried to open a can of worms by aski (by Sparky)

 Sparky (0)  (30 / M-F / Massachusetts)
15-Nov-24 11:20 pm
I've been LC with my (29F) dad (54M) for quite some time and he tried to open a can of worms by asking why am I LC with him.

TLDR: I went LC with my dad after my mom passed and even more LC after my grandmother passed. This happened because he was quite an unsavory parent when I was a child. Recently, he reached out to me and asked why I don't talk to him and my brother anymore and I told him that that was a conversation I really didn't feel like getting into. He responded and I quote "Wow, I never thought I did anything so egregious" and I don't know where to go from here.
The childhood I had was not rough but it also wasn't easy. My dad was the type of man to work 16+ hours a day to make sure that the family had everything we needed because my mom was disabled and couldn't work, but he also did some things that I don't think I'm allowed to mention in this Forum Section. As soon as I was able to I left the house and started slowly breaking contact with my dad. After my mom passed from COVID, I stopped visiting home. After my grandmother (his mom) passed, I stopped visiting the state entirely because I had no reason to. I've been in therapy to try to work through some of the things, but it has been slow progress.
All of this came to a head last week when I got a text from Dad randomly saying that "Something wasn't right in his spirit" and that I needed to message him quickly so he can know that me and my daughter are okay. I responded very courteously saying that we were fine and that everything is okay and tried to leave it there, but he started pushing. He brought up the fact that I've been estranged from him and my brother (who is exactly like him) for some years now and he just cannot understand why I don't reach out and talk to them like I used to. I tried to keep a level head and this is how I responded: "All due respect dad but that is just not a conversation that I am ready to have at this point. This is a can of worms that I don't really want to open now. I'm sorry"
To which his response: "Wow but okay. I didn't think that I did something that egregious to you that you would stop talking to me and your brother. But whenever you're ready we can talk about it. You're grown. I'm grown true, you're my daughter but we can have a civil conversation"
My concern is that there won't be a civil conversation. My father is the type of person who says "I've been this way for 54 years and I'm not changing. You can deal with it or not" and because of that I've chosen to not deal with it. But at the same time, him reaching out feels like a trap of some sort. Any advice on how to move forward with this?




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