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I (25F) frequently fall asleep during intimacy with my boyfriend (35M) and it?s really upsetting him (by Sparky)

 Sparky (0)  (30 / M-F / Massachusetts)
16-Nov-22 8:20 pm
I (25F) frequently fall asleep during intimacy with my boyfriend (35M) and it?s really upsetting him.

I love my boyfriend so so so much. We have been dating for about 2 years. He is part of my family and I see a long long future with him.
So this only happens when I have been drinking a lot of wine and am exhausted. It usually happens when we are just starting to have intimacy, so foreplay. It happens a lot when we drink a lot of wine and he is extremely hurt by it. He says it makes him feel like I?m not attracted to him, and like he is doing something wrong. I am extremely attracted to him, and i don?t know to express this to him, or how to make it stop. Any advice??
TLDR when I drink a lot of wine and am exhausted, I fall asleep in the foreplay stages of intimacy, and my boyfriend thinks I?m not into him.




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