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Lost (by jokerkitty669)
i wish i knew why he does this its like my soul is bein tortured. He never seems to wanna talk with me anymore n just doesnt care wat should i do? ;'(
Did you just met that guy here ? I mean virtually OP ?
He might be busy of his real personal life's agenda at the moment so I guess a little patience will not harm you .
He might be busy of his real personal life's agenda at the moment so I guess a little patience will not harm you .
Original Poster ( the one who created the thread )
Yes, it could also mean Original Post , depends on how you use "OP " term in responding ..
Yes, it could also mean Original Post , depends on how you use "OP " term in responding ..
Hahahaha ! You are funny Faye !
You mean to say .., thread operator
It's Ok, I too have lots of acronym that I didn't understand :)
You mean to say .., thread operator

It's Ok, I too have lots of acronym that I didn't understand :)
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- Be mature and act like an adult.
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- Discuss ideas, not specific users.
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