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Multiple recepients (by ervinman)

 ervinman (0)    (47 / M-F / Alabama)
8-Aug-12 11:54 pm
Hey was just wondering if it would be possible to add a feature to the messages page where u can send a message to more then one person.



8-Aug-12 11:57 pm
That would be mass messageing, rite? Sounds a lil inpersonal to me. I like for a message to be directed towards me, not jus a mass message to many others and see who replys. idk jmo



 ervinman (0)    (47 / M-F / Alabama)
8-Aug-12 11:59 pm
I dont mean mass messaging like that. More like just two or three people maybe.



 Andres (105)     (Admin)
9-Aug-12 12:01 am
Hey was just wondering if it would be possible to add a feature to the messages page where u can send a message to more then one person.
I don't think that's a good idea. This is a dating site, not Facebook or Gmail, and it would just make users try less and by lazier when contacting potential mates, resulting in lower quality messages.

In fact, we already know that women don't like receiving generic messages. They like it when you mention something specific to them that you saw in their profile, for example. That would be impossible to do with mass messages to several users at once, and would thus be counterproductive to the purpose of this site.



 ervinman (0)    (47 / M-F / Alabama)
9-Aug-12 12:09 am
Ok thanks for the info thought id ask.



 Andres (105)     (Admin)
9-Aug-12 12:13 am
Ok thanks for the info thought id ask.
Always ask, you've got nothing to lose and never know what's going to happen. :)

But thanks for the suggestion. I'm always open to new ideas, no matter how crazy, wild, or unpopular people think they might be. Worse case scenario, we simply don't move forward with it. Best case scenario, we add cool new features to the site. So keep those suggestions coming! :)



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