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What do you guys think about minimalist lifestyle? (by Sparky)

 Sparky (0)  (30 / M-F / Massachusetts)
25-Aug-17 11:22 am
What do you guys think about minimalist lifestyle?

Hey guys,
So after breaking up with my now ex I moved into a shared flat with very very little storage room. I find that my room looks incredibly crammed and I know that I have a habit of buying a loooot of stuff, particularly clothes and electronics. On top of that I have to store tons of university material like books and assignments, copies of stuff, whatever. I know there needs to be a way to get my room to look cleaner, I just don't know how atm. Do you guys embrace the minimalist lifestyle and if so, how'd you get started?




 MrWalkSoftly (16)     (59 / M-F / Louisiana)
25-Aug-17 4:11 pm
People that live a particular "lifestyle" are weird. Just use a little common sense. If you have shlt you aren't using, throw it out or donate ain't rocket science.



 emfx1 (0)   (43 / M-F / Missouri)
25-Aug-17 4:17 pm
Minimal yet



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