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I've known for several years that my (now) wife cheated on me during her bachelorette Party... (by Sparky)

 Sparky (0)  (30 / M-F / Massachusetts)
13-Aug-17 2:51 am
I've known for several years that my (now) wife cheated on me during her bachelorette Party...

About 4-5 years ago I (30s-M) got married to my fiance (30s-F); we have several kids now and live a happy life etc. etc. A week or so after our bachelor/ bachelorette parties I came across her iMessages that were being synced on all our ipads, macbook etc. I knew photos and things were synced but this was my first time seeing iMessages synced as well. (not an Apple guru) Anywho, I browsed back a little and found her convos the week prior during her trip.

Long story short a few of the texts to one of her friends described how she ended up going home with an old flame after the bars that night. (Her trip was back to her college town.) The texts were clear and obvious, but we were getting married soon after, we already had a baby boy growing up, and it was not something that I could see ending up in any sort of positive territory if I brought it up at that time.

Fast forward years later and I don't care 90% of the time, as it doesn't cross my mind very often...but when it does I'm still bothered about it, and have found no way to get past that last 10% that really hurts, angers or irks me in some fashion when it crosses my mind. We're happily married, love our (multiple) kids and have a good life. I'd hate for it to come out in a future argument or something, I don't want to be hurtful, but I don't see any happy ending to bringing it up whether randomly or at some opportune time...

Any advice on how to get past the secret knowledge I'll always harbor? Any similar experiences?

TLDR - Married several years, have known since bachelorette party that wife cheated on me, happy now, how do I completely resolve this?




 Critter1211 (11)       (50 / F-MF / Tennessee)
13-Aug-17 3:54 am
Oh i would have to mention it. I mean, sure you're happy and all, but she's living a lie. You're ok with that? You two can get past it, but i think it should be talked about.



 emfx1 (0)   (43 / M-F / Missouri)
13-Aug-17 3:55 am
Man oh



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