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Children wit ADHD (by lilmama87)
Does anyone have a child wit adhd cuz i need some help
Yes i do! What u need? Ive dealt with ADHD since 2001....know all the signs, what helps, what doesnt. U can inbox me if u prefer
My mother would know because they diagnosed me with add/adhd at at the age of 3. They used to give me riddlin but it made me super quiet I wouldn't talk so now I take something else for it. You just have to have a lot of patience I guess....because even though I have it I came out to be successful. I'm not as hyper and I graduated high school at 16 and guess what? I'm on my way to become a Psychologist so I can help people with similar issues :) Just have faith in your child hun and never turn down an opportunity to help them. Don't give up because my mom didn't on me. Good luck. :)
My lil boy has it, took meds but we had to take him off it last year due to health issues. He took meds for 10 years, hes a top student and a sweetheart, ADHD patients need alot of patience and understanding, their minds are racing so fast sometimes they dont realize what is being said or going on, its not their fault. Theres alot of info out there that can help u understand better if u need it.
My oldest son has adhd, hes a good kid he gets good grades polite, he has his moments but ive got more patience than i have ever before since i found out he had it, just like the other day he had to do dishes and he looked at me n said mom i do have a life n i had to laugh he will be 10 in a few days
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