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If there were a documentary called "A year without _______", what would be the most interesting thin (by Sparky)

 Sparky (0)  (29 / M-F / Massachusetts)
14-Jun-15 11:30 pm
If there were a documentary called "A year without _______", what would be the most interesting thing to see in the blank space?




 BigPapaRedneck (11)       (47 / M-F / Kansas)
15-Jun-15 1:05 am
Going for it before Walks. H00kers and blow.



15-Jun-15 1:33 am
Going for it before Walks. H00kers and blow.
Thats funny right there, I dont care who ya are



 BigPapaRedneck (11)       (47 / M-F / Kansas)
15-Jun-15 2:56 am
Yeah buddy.



 CynthiaBabe (1)   (37 / F-M / Hong Kong)
15-Jun-15 5:40 am
" A year without A CRIME " . It is interesting to know a country of zero crime in a year . All of the citizens are with haloes , yay ! :)



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