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Have you ever been stung before? (by SweetNothings)
I just walked into my apartment and ripped off my clothes because I thought there was a bee on me!
Have you ever been stung by a bee, wasp, scorpion or jellyfish?
Have you ever been stung by a bee, wasp, scorpion or jellyfish?
I bet it's bad. That's why I try to avoid going into the ocean!
@SweetNothings: yep got stung by a wasp quite recently at 4.30am what an alarm clock... A few choice swear words came out
Last edited by james85; 9-Aug-14 10:07 pm.
@james85: Hahahahahaha! Sorry James....wasp stings are funny whrn they happen to someone else lol
@WalkSoftly: haha its ok :) you should of heard my choice of swear words lol it actually happened last Sunday
Oh no! That wasp made you curse on the Lord's day?! That lil bas.****!
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