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Ever been in a vehicle accident? (by ladyweeds)

 ladyweeds (12)   (44 / F-M / Minnesota)
28-Apr-14 6:57 am
How did the accident happen? Anyone get hurt? Did you consider it a lesson?



 Jeffggg (12)    (54 / M-F / England)
28-Apr-14 6:58 am
****ed for life not gud



28-Apr-14 6:59 am
Yes. Learned that seatbelts work. Didn't have mine done up. Header through the windshield.



28-Apr-14 7:01 am
Hit by a drunk driver, a little neck injury, I learned to watch out for drunk drivers...



 ladyweeds (12)   (44 / F-M / Minnesota)
28-Apr-14 7:07 am
I met black ice at 75 mph.. Last month..Went flying into a deep ditch.. The snow stopped my car from rolling.. My driving outlook has changed.. And everytime i drive on that road, i feel like im reliving that accident over again.. Scary thing..



28-Apr-14 7:08 am
Several-three on purpose:( Totalled those three cars the year my bro was killed-God totally protected me every time-now I know why:-):-)



28-Apr-14 7:21 am
I know someone who needs to get in a car accident......



28-Apr-14 7:24 am
I know someone who needs to get in a car accident......



28-Apr-14 8:31 am
I know someone who needs to get in a car accident......
And his ego will feel like he was hit by a tank.



 im1made4u (22)    (56 / F-M / California)
28-Apr-14 9:38 am
Yes learned that my dad was best person to teach how to work on my own brakes! lol! & not work at same place as ur mom. Cuz she may be called in as ur replacement. I think it was a set up! lol!



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