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Gotta work on my porn star body (by OmgItsJessi)
Lol jk. But I am looking for a good home gym. Thinking about ordering a total gym but are they any other good affordable home gyms
Calisthenics keep my porn star body right! Lol
I'm trying to keep the Ron Jeremy physic. But it ain't working right.
@TheHBKbigred: Be careful you don't catch that chestadrawer disease, it's where your chest falls to your draws...roflmao....
@Lionface: to late that's why I said what I said what I said
@TheHBKbigred: Yes i hear you, and it's very contageous ...the older you get the more agressive it becomes,lol...i think im in the final stage, leadassitess.. lmao
I WANNA BE FIT!!!! Lol.did 2 days of workouts this morning. Took Gabe to a drs appt came home and did 45 min of cardio and another day of weights. But now I can't move lol
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