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Why Am I Targeted On This Site? (by YouCantFixStupid)

9-May-13 1:29 am
Just because I am white? I am called names and treated like a hate filled robot. Why must I be subjected to so much hate? Am I not human too?



9-May-13 1:34 am
You white evil devil you lol



9-May-13 1:37 am
Just because I am white? I am called names and treated like a hate filled robot. Why must I be subjected to so much hate? Am I not human too?
because humans are a.ssholes. plain and simple. people are inconsiderate as.sholes. don't let them get ya down.



Last edited by mrb89; 9-May-13 1:38 am.
9-May-13 1:41 am
Hahah yeah because you are as white as paper



9-May-13 1:51 am
Hahah yeah because you are as white as paper
nuh-uh....unless its a big chief tablet, cuz I'm brownish!



9-May-13 1:52 am
@YouCantFixStupid: oh sorry I only saw white on ur profie pic



9-May-13 1:56 am
I'm jus teasing girl....I'm Native American and change colors according to how much sun I get



9-May-13 2:21 am
Unfortunately thats the problem. You are human, thats why you feel all the feelings you feel. God designed us that way. But there is good news. you also have an ability to just shut it all out if you want to. Its called consience. it not just the white guy on your shoulder telling you the right thing to do.....



9-May-13 2:24 am
Hey I got news for my line of work, Ive seen the human body get just abt as fu.cked up as it cld possibly get....and shhhh, we're all the same on the inside :-)



9-May-13 3:09 am
I KNOW we are all the same seems like a few others need to know too! I have never been accused of being, or treated as if I am in someway, less than the wonderful person I am in my entire life as I have since I joined this internet world. Whatever happened to treating people as individuals?!?



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