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I lost my very first true luv :( (by MikeN2012)
She meant alot to me, she was my world and i could share anything with her, and be as open as we could with eachother. She was so beautiful and cute and she said she loved me truely. And i blew it. Im just sad i lost her, crying, man this hurts worse than being rejected. Wish i could find a way to stop the tears she was everything to me. Just need a hug :(
@manondago: Met her here and mailed quite a bit and very deeply and she really understood me and we shared everything together and it didnt bother me she lived at bit far i would have sold every thing i had to fly out and meet her in person and married her thats how much we ment to each other this sucks being this sad thanks for listing its goin take some time
Didnt yall only talk for a couple days? And kuwait seems a bit far to me.
Thats the girl your referring to right?
Don't have to be a genius to figure it out lol
Thats the girl your referring to right?
Don't have to be a genius to figure it out lol
Mike...u need a bottle and a wh0re...wat happened to the whole "turning over a new leaf" thing?
@MikeN2012: Try to make an effort at slowing yourself down a bit. It seems online romances happen at hyper speed and then crash just as fast. To much make believe. Think and move sloooowwwwer.
@iWin: lol i know and yea that was her she was so great to me and took a while mailing and such then she tells me i luv u in deepest words idk i guess im just to caring ill get over it feel kind stupid a little and foolish wish i could find some one closer to me that means alot to me like that and most NY Girls live in NYC and i really cant afford 2 drive that far to meet some one and what u have read this morning i have a very hard time in real life so im stuck between a rock and a hard place. Guess im just to soft hearted and caring
Everyone overseas seem to love everybody.. That seems to be the trend.
I realize not all of them are like this but most are.
Take it slow..
I realize not all of them are like this but most are.
Take it slow..
@WalkSoftly1: Yea ur right man im a new me again lol guess i can be to caring and soft hearted just sucks the hard time i have but u ppl have been great to me thanks bro
@MikeN2012: regrettably, i know what you mean. she is a nice person but she concerns me as 2 what her deal is 

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