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Merged Inbox and Sent tables in the DB. Please report any new problems (if any)! (by Andres)

 Andres (105)     (Admin)
25-May-12 2:55 pm
Hi Folks,

Just another quick note to say that I've trimmed a lot of fat from the Database and merged the Inbox and Sent tables into one table.

What this has done is reduce the size of the messaging system by about half, so it's a pretty significant trim.

However, you guys should not notice ANY difference whatsoever, and everything should be working just as it always has, so if you do notice ANYTHING different or any sudden issues or missing messages (either in your Inbox or Sent folder), then please report them here so I can fix them right away.

I don't normally post about any behind-the-scenes changes I do unless they affect you guys, but since the changes I made were quite drastic, I just want to make sure I didn't screw anything up for you guys.




25-May-12 3:04 pm
@Andres: Went to check it out n noticed that I'm not able to clear 'sent' or 'received' msgs. Don't know if iys bcuz of the changes u made or not



 Andres (105)     (Admin)
25-May-12 3:05 pm
@Andres: Went to check it out n noticed that I'm not able to clear 'sent' or 'received' msgs. Don't know if iys bcuz of the changes u made or not
Thanks, I just tried it and have the same problem. Let me fix it and report back.



 Andres (105)     (Admin)
25-May-12 3:08 pm
Thanks, I just tried it and have the same problem. Let me fix it and report back.
OK, that was a surprisingly quick and easy fix. Please try now.



25-May-12 3:12 pm
@Andres: Yep, working great now. Thanx!



 Andres (105)     (Admin)
25-May-12 3:17 pm
@Andres: Yep, working great now. Thanx!

Folks, please report any other new issues you have with the Datinbox and messaging system (if any) here.



17-Oct-12 2:10 pm
@Andres: Can't read inbox messages. just shows persons profile photo?



 Andres (105)     (Admin)
17-Oct-12 3:20 pm
@Andres: Can't read inbox messages. just shows persons profile photo?
I just sent you a test message. Please let me know what you see. Also, what phone make and model do you have?



17-Oct-12 5:48 pm
Earler today I was posting nd then all of a sudden I couldnt post I typed it out but it wouldnt post it nd then I tried sending a message to someone it did the same thing it would just sit there when I tried to send the button lite up but nothing happened so I logged out nd back in and it was back to normal with no problems.



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