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Problems starting a new thread (by masteroftheunknown)
@ andres- first let me say awsome site. I found the one the day i joined. Dont ask how i know she is cuz i wouldnt b able to explain how. I just know she is. Second i started on the forums yester day and ran into to a bit of a snag. I tried to start my own thread but couldnt, dont kno if its my phone or a glitch. Any thoughts on this?
(@ andres- wow. Dont kno what just happened but my post went under a different username not my own im not darrensmith****. Is this also a glitch? This is too weird. Lol)
(@ andres- wow. Dont kno what just happened but my post went under a different username not my own im not darrensmith****. Is this also a glitch? This is too weird. Lol)
@masteroftheunknown Sometimes post go under the wrong name if u dont completely log out and log back in. Its happened to several of us and thats what we've came up with. Jus log back off and start fresh u'll be urself again, lol
I'm glad to hear you already found the one so soon, congrats!
Regarding the crossed-posts, it's a known issue we're working hard to resolve. I implemented some new changes to the code today which will hopefully resolve this if not minimize its occurrence.
When you say you tried to start your own thread but couldn't, what did you see when you clicked on the "New Thread" button? Did you get any messages or errors? Please let me know so I can fix this for you.
Regarding the crossed-posts, it's a known issue we're working hard to resolve. I implemented some new changes to the code today which will hopefully resolve this if not minimize its occurrence.
When you say you tried to start your own thread but couldn't, what did you see when you clicked on the "New Thread" button? Did you get any messages or errors? Please let me know so I can fix this for you.
@ briteeyes- thanx hun good to kno( oh and nothing meant with the hun part call a lot of girls that). Just sayin. Ummmm never thought of asking random ppl. Lol
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