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Scars: things of beauty or shame? (by alysia92)
Thanks (smiles) kinda scared to see the results of this. But what ever its killing my curiosity not knowing. Lol.
Well i think they r or woman...that scar tells a stories noone on this earth can tell...i have my own scars...
Last edited by alysia92; 7-May-12 5:30 am.
I think it is dependent on the individual and what they mean. As i had 18 surg. To remove them I have to say it was shame. But older now and the ones left i see as pride ..i survived
Depends on the origin of the scar. A war wound;sure b proud. An I.V scar from drug addiction; long sleeves in summer :)
Scars are a thing of beauty. People have accidents that scar us for life. But as ozzy said drug scars are a shame. I know a girl who when she was three pulled hot boiling oil down the front of her. Half her face and body are scared forever. She would be beautful even with the scars. The drug use makes her thin and ugly. Its sad. Because i like her. But tradegy takes our looks but not who were are or going to be. Those who judge on scars are morons. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Just my opinion. But i hold true on it.
James Hetfield from Metallica was on stage & caught on fire... his face is scared up now, believe it or not, I thinks he's sexier w/ them...
Well very interesting thoughts and views but when i came up with the idea i never really played needled into it funni tho. I never used them but USED to do other drugs and it never crossed my mind. Ive got approx. 340 scarsand counting( no thats not a typo nor exaggerated) call me accident prone. But have been told that scars show who u r and where uve been and that what make them a thing of beauty i wear mine proudly.tho the memory of how i got some of the werent so pleasent as i mention on another thread. Anyway curious to hear others views too good or bad, hell i live in a free world where i say what i want so u can too(this free world resides in my head but spoken aloud). Lol
Very good the reason we bring drug use is all the more common today and more out in the open like sex. Its everywhere. I see in my town people that from meth alone pick and scar themselves. Those are ugly beleive me. Those from accident or war or surgery be proud of the reminders that you live and breath. Most people at the age you got your scars masterof theunknown would have died from the pain alone. But god helps in small ways. Everything has a reason for happening.
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