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Lost But Found...! (by PureGold)
Have you found what you are looking for on this site? If yes,good luck. If no, why? Sometimes its traceable to the restriction you put on your profile,your high expectations,lack of good communication manners,wrong/evil motive. Someone may send you a 'wink' but you choose to ignore. Keep ignoring,very soon you will get tired,fustrated and leave this site empty but wasted time. Some have found their love here and are already celebrating. Share with me what is delaying yours let me tell you what to do.
i get,then along the way i lose,then i disappear for a while,come back re energized! lol! the circle is round and is getting wider hehe.
@Crazybutterfly: You don't have too be lost my dear. You join this site december 30 I just. The problem with you find what you want is that you haven't really seperated yourself from the past and look forward to the future. Its when we concentrate on the past that we get lost to what we want for the future. Don't be scared or worried. Remove the restriction in your account and let people get to know you better. Good luck dearie
:Your challenge is lack of communication commitment. Learn to commit yourself to constant chating and phone calls or texting. Mind you I didn't say commit yourself to the person because commiting ourself to someone else should not be a cheap thing its takes time,dilligent,love,faithfully and so on. But first establish a good communication between you and the other person first and stop being on and off like the power supply In Nigeria(lol) cos when u disappear someone else will take ur place b4 u return
but ur rt about the past and im gonna deal with it. Things i might should have done already. To new beginnings perhaps. Idk ? Time will tell.
@Crazybutterfly: wow! Message me I have some secrets of relationship to share with you
Nice try i dont lower my restrictions for anyone. They are up to keep scammers and people i have no interest out.
@brats52005: with all these caution taken,have you found what you are looking for yet?
Quick reply:
- Be respectful at all times.
- Be mature and act like an adult.
- Respect different points of view.
- Discuss ideas, not specific users.
- Don't get personal.
- No profanity.
- No drama.
- No thread hijacking.
- No trolling.
- No spamming.
- No soliciting.
- No duplicate posting.
- No posting in the wrong section.
- No posting of contact information.
- Be welcoming to new users.
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