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The wonderful u.s. Govt. : ( (by AaronTGOD)
The pineal gland also known as the third eye, its a gland in the center of our brain that is responsible for producing seratonin a derivative of melatonin a hormone that has to do with our wake/sleep patterns it also produces DMT a powerful phycadelic chemical that gives you powerful visions on the flipside your pineal gland doesnt work properly when it becomes calcified from certain chemicals and the chemical that causes this the most is flouride which is in most u.s. Products and 90% of us water our goverment is not stupid they have known about this for a long time they are behind something to figure it out all you have to do is open your mind!
You can make DMT, but it is the most illegal drug in the world - even though our body naturally produces it.
Yep, i knew this 2 years ago... ****ed up stuff, cause they know about it
no way.. the govt hiding things from us?! thats all they do is hide things and try to brainwash us lol
Interesting how every single issue in government is outrageous and Cause, wasnt brainwashing the hell out of everyone before 

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