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Surrogate mother. (by tiffanybrooke)

5-Dec-12 3:21 am
im hopeing to become a surrogate mother for a special family. I am twenty years of age and am fertile. I was recently pregnant but lost said baby from stress. Cause of stress is gone.if your interested inbox me. If you have any questions (health problems background or about me) ask



5-Dec-12 3:25 am
Oh that sucks losing one. My ex had that same thing happen.



5-Dec-12 3:32 am
yea its tough but i wasnt ready to take care of rather the experience without the child at this time. And i love the idea of helping those who really want a child



5-Dec-12 4:33 am
Sweetie u need to wait atleast 3 months b4 getting pregnant again after losing a child. And i wuld highly recommend waiting longer cuz u mite not be completely ready to carry another baby rather mentally or physically. And thats something a couple will need to take into consideration as well as why or what caused u to lose ur baby.



5-Dec-12 5:49 am
yea its tough but i wasnt ready to take care of rather the experience without the child at this time. And i love the idea of helping those who really want a child
. Hey im not being smart with you here but why would you want to go through all the possible complications of a pregnancy especially after just having a miscarriage only to give the baby away at the end of it ? . Is it an attention thing or something ?



 JustMeAndYou77 (17)   (47 / F-M / Florida)
5-Dec-12 6:39 am
Hmmmm, I'll inbox you....:)



5-Dec-12 6:43 am
no im not prone to attention seeking. This is to help those who cant have there own. And because i know im fertile i can provid others with hapiness it makes me happy.



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