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How do you forgive and forget the pain? (by gothicqueen)
I recently just got out of a 6yr relationship. So i am still struggling with how to let go of the pain that was left from it. He and i get along fine now days but in the back of my mind i still see all the pain and feel it in my heart. How do i make it go away? Can i really start over again?
Forgivin is the easy part but forgetting i dnt think ever happens. As time goes it gets easier. U'll have good days n bad ones. Good luck
@gothicqueen: Im sorry to hear that girl :(, Yes you will be able to love again, I know your not going to like it but try just riding with your emotions, It takes time, Timing is the key but what ever you do dont jump straight into another a relationship it would get all confusing.. *Hugs* from New Zealand
@Tinman02: Thanks. I really hope things get easier in time.
@CallMeMaybe: I hope you are right. I know jumping into another relationship wouldnt be smart. I just worry about being able to trust others.
I learned a few years ago something so powerful. and that is you have to truly forgive and forgiveness is the way to release you from the chains of pain that are bound to you. Of course you will never allow them to hurt you again. And love yourself most of all for you are precious!
@gothicqueen: I promise things will with time. In the meantime i'll be here if u need sumone to talk too.
Loving myself will be the hard part. I havent ever had the most positive view of myself. LOL. But i guess i could see this as a chance to rediscover who i really am.
@gothicqueen: I've never had a relationship that long. But, I pour my heart into each relationship and treat it like it's been that long. It's never easy to forget. Ever. Everyone has their own ways of coping with the sudden change though. For me, it was music. Metal has songs for the anger, songs for the pain, and songs for everything else. Things will get better with time. It's even better if you have someone to help you take your mind off everything. :)
@ComeWhatEverMay864: Music is a very big piece of my life. It has helped me through so much and i just hope it pulls me right through this. As far as having someone to talk to i really dont have anyone.
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