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HEAlth & ADDiction (by angelicsmile23)

 angelicsmile23 (16)    (35 / F-M / Philippines)
6-Apr-12 5:22 pm
DRUGS. PORNOGRAPHY. ALCOHOL. CIGARETTES. At 1st dey seem lyk da cool thng 2 do so. So u try sum, nd den sum more. Nd b4 u knw it, wat began 4 fun has becum a "have to have" dat seems impossible 2 shake. 8s out of countrol nd ur hooked.

If dat dscrybs u (or sum1 close 2 u), u dnt hv an addiction-8 has u.

Da gud news is dat God never declares any hopeless. Jesus said, "der r sum thngs dt pipol cnt do, bt God cn do anythng."

He cn gv u frnds 2 2lk to, along w/ teachers, family membrs, nd counselors 2 hlp u break ur addiction. Bt he cn nd wnts 2 do even more dn dat. He offers 2 becum ur source of strength.

Jesus has da power 2 enable u 2 break free frm da chains of addiction, jz lyk he set free those who were held captive by demons. It starts by establishing relationship with him.



 neednot2balon (0)  (33 / M-F / Uttaranchal)
7-Apr-12 5:47 am
Yeah u r correct ...u know our body is not ours its a gift of god n to exploit it through doing drugs n smoking is not lesser than a sin or its against god...these habbits catch u easily bt its hard to leave it afterwards..



10-Apr-12 6:19 pm
Cya ya at the croasroads



 jcbolt (2)   (32 / M-MF / Oklahoma)
10-Apr-12 11:09 pm
Ill admit i have addictions and temptations that dirty MY body and sumtimes i wish i cld find help w most the crap that happens in my life. But to me, being religious is just a waste of time. Religion does help alot of ppl and i acknowledge that fact, but everytime i think i shld change my ways and go pro jesus i just cant get over the rediculousness of believing in sumthin that isnt real. Personally i think aliens r god



 snowboardingchic19 (0)   (32 / F-M / Montana)
11-Apr-12 11:21 am
I suffer from my own addictions and personal demons. And its extremely hard...addictions are everywhere...Tv, internet, texting, relationships, food, etc. And i truely believe in God and the Atonment. BUT i think most of the power is inside of myself to reach out for help and overcome addictions.



 Tyler420 (0)   (32 / M-F / Oklahoma)
13-Apr-12 6:54 am
@jcbolt i totally agree with u!



 neednot2balon (0)  (33 / M-F / Uttaranchal)
19-Apr-12 5:03 am
@snowboarding that power inside u that help u to overcome all this is god.



 Elhefe (Banned)
25-Apr-12 6:06 am
Amen im a recovering addict only through the power of god have i had any success if someone can beat it alone more power to them



25-Apr-12 7:09 am
My addictions must then surely be gods fault. They were his "creation"



 Elhefe (Banned)
25-Apr-12 7:34 am



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