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Single father (by brad118)
Im not put off by single fathers. And you will find someone.
Im a single father,i have a seven yr old daughter.she lives with me primarly. Whomen do alot of congradulating,but not a one im interested in a relationship. But they spoil her to death and im good with that too. After all sshe is my olny child,and the olny female in my life thaat hasnt betrayed me.
Hey i think a single father is one of the sexest things ever :-) that shows u r a real man.
I myself dont have a problem with single fathers. But i do know that some woman find it aggrivating that there will always be another woman in your life. Because wether we like it or not your babys mom will always be a part of your life even if there is no feelings she will always be there. And women who have trust issues find a guy with a kid an liability because there will always be baby momma drama.
@BiancaGivenni: i totally understand that. wouldnt want to deal wit my baby momma if didnt have to, thats a fact...
No baby momma drama here. She walked, i hired an attorney with the last of my savings. And since i knew it would happen, 6 months later her rights were term'd.
Just to clarify, she didnt bother keeping contact, i knew she wouldnt, rights terminated due to abandonment.
@BiancaGivenni: assuming that there will always be 'baby momma drama' is a blanket disrespect to single fathers. I would assume a man I were interested in could handle the mother of his child(ren). As a single mom I would feel judged if a man only thought "she is gonna have 'baby daddy' drama". jmo
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