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20-Apr-21 7:35 am
Post: Love ur family and friends Thread: Blessed by Mother's Kiss (2 rep. / 71 views)
20-Apr-21 7:34 am
Post: @Sparky: I love my family and friends gotta love Thread: Blessed by Mother's Kiss (2 rep. / 71 views)
20-Apr-21 7:29 am
Post: @Sparky: bannan Thread: Would You Rather eat strawberries, pineapple, watermelon, cantaloupe, bananas or grapes? (3 rep. / 88 views)
20-Apr-21 7:28 am
Post: @Sparky: pineapple Thread: Wyr live in a pineapple, under a rock, or in a tiki with a big nose? (1 rep. / 45 views)
20-Apr-21 7:27 am
Post: Hi Totally new to this dating app, it's my first... Thread: Hiya (2 rep. / 79 views)
20-Apr-21 7:20 am
Post: @DearJohn: die right now Thread: Would you rather be immortal or die right now? (13 rep. / 332 views)
20-Apr-21 7:19 am
Post: @Singhpk: it's the same thing right Thread: Would you rather be immortal or die right now? (13 rep. / 332 views)
20-Apr-21 7:17 am
Post: @Sparky: die right now Thread: Would you rather be immortal or die right now? (13 rep. / 332 views)
20-Apr-21 7:09 am
Post: @Team17: I dont have the answer to your question... Thread: ELI5: Why does hearing yourself speak with a few seconds of delay, completely crash your brain? (3 rep. / 93 views)