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11-Nov-17 2:22 pm
Post: It seems dead on here today.. anyone out there Thread: Hello (16 rep. / 1 views)
11-Nov-17 2:06 pm
Post: My x wife. Now looking back I'm glad she left Thread: What's the dumbest thing you ever cried over? (3 rep. / 504 views)
11-Nov-17 2:01 pm
Post: Change my name to adolf. I can't stand jello Thread: WYR have your name legally changed to Adolf Hitler or eat nothing but cherry jello for the rest of y (2 rep. / 586 views)
11-Nov-17 1:48 pm
Post: If a wood Chuck could Chuck wood how much wood... Thread: So yeah weird questions... (7 rep. / 2 views)
9-Nov-17 11:55 pm
Post: @mrsienna: ya a good firm grip on it cause I'd be... Thread: WYR not be able to have an orgasm for 3 years or have to agree to have sex with anyone who asked for (8 rep. / 1 views)
9-Nov-17 11:50 pm
Post: I feel like I've been on here all alone Thread: I think i'm the only one on here tonight... (24 rep. / 3 views)