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12-Oct-17 11:18 am
Post: Sometimes, mom and dad argue and say hurtful... Thread: My [14M] mom [35F] kicked dad out of the house due to a concussion I got and he didn't take him to t (1 rep. / 440 views)
12-Oct-17 12:48 am
Post: Keep the door shut on the past, and concentrate... Thread: Women 30 on up, what's one piece of advice you'd give to your 18 year old self? (3 rep. / 777 views)
11-Oct-17 6:18 pm
Post: @mrsienna: Yes... I was too easy of a target. I... Thread: What is something you wish you did when you were younger? (9 rep. / 1 views)
11-Oct-17 6:53 am
Post: Wish I would have been more terse. Thread: What is something you wish you did when you were younger? (9 rep. / 1 views)
11-Oct-17 6:49 am
Post: The United States has 51states. Actually, any... Thread: What are some "facts" that are actually false? (1 rep. / 466 views)
11-Oct-17 6:11 am
Post: This is a real hard situation to give advice... Thread: I (25F) thought I was living a perfect life with my boyfriend (27M) of 5+ years. Turns out he commit (1 rep. / 497 views)
19-Sep-17 5:45 am
Post: I haven't dated, or had sex, in 15 years. I... Thread: Me [50F] newly divorced and dating for first time in 30 years, man I'm seeing [57M] says condoms fee (3 rep. / 702 views)
19-Sep-17 5:20 am
Post: Anything she puts her mind to! Thread: What can women get away with that men cannot? (12 rep. / 1 views)