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29-Aug-17 11:09 pm
Post: Ants Thread: WYR Pay a dollar to know how many people paid a dollar, or just once, know at any given moment how m (4 rep. / 956 views)
25-Aug-17 4:17 pm
Post: Minimal yet Thread: What do you guys think about minimalist lifestyle? (2 rep. / 445 views)
21-Aug-17 6:35 pm
Post: What!? There was an eclipse today? Thread: Total Eclipse 2017 (24 rep. / 4 views)
13-Aug-17 3:55 am
Post: Man oh Thread: I've known for several years that my (now) wife cheated on me during her bachelorette Party... (2 rep. / 681 views)
12-Aug-17 5:51 pm
Post: You show me a product that doesn't cause cancer... Thread: What will be the "turns out cigarettes are bad for us" of our generation? (7 rep. / 917 views)
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