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9-Feb-15 12:38 am
Post: You'll be surprised how many times this has... Thread: How would other celebrities die as "ironically " as Paul Walker? (37 rep. / 4 views)
8-Feb-15 4:32 pm
Post: How come the op still has an active account?... Thread: Jonjon (45 rep. / 15 views)
2-Feb-15 3:36 pm
Post: @WalkSoftly: lol :guybiggrin: Thread: Happy Birthday Martian2! (14 rep. / 3 views)
2-Feb-15 3:34 pm
Post: Thanks man Thread: Scammers Around Asia & West African Scammers (16 rep. / 4 views)
2-Feb-15 3:33 pm
Post: Thanks are the special brown-Es? Thread: Happy Birthday Martian2! (14 rep. / 3 views)
2-Feb-15 3:32 pm
Post: Thanks for the Happy Birthday wishes everybody Thread: Happy Birthday Martian2! (14 rep. / 3 views)
2-Feb-15 3:31 pm
Post: @WalkSoftly: Thanks & I have the day off too... Thread: Happy Birthday Martian2! (14 rep. / 3 views)
2-Feb-15 3:28 pm
Post: @Lionface: I just knew for sure Seatle was going... Thread: Seahawks vs Patriots who will win..? (14 rep. / 6 views)
2-Feb-15 3:25 pm
Post: They did but don't remember everything they said.... Thread: Seahawks vs Patriots who will win..? (14 rep. / 6 views)
1-Feb-15 7:01 pm
Post: Never in the Super Bowl era has there been a... Thread: Seahawks vs Patriots who will win..? (14 rep. / 6 views)