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3-May-14 3:06 pm
Post: @hispeedrodeo: Its not that we were young I think... Thread: What question do you NOT want to know the answer to? (19 rep. / 3 views)
3-May-14 12:04 pm
Post: @conan1957: Thank you :) Thread: What do you have, that most people don't? (15 rep. / 1 views)
3-May-14 11:46 am
Post: Natural red hair Thread: What do you have, that most people don't? (15 rep. / 1 views)
3-May-14 1:57 am
Post: Music and alcohol Thread: Reddit, you're throwing a party. What are some small additions that can have a huge outcome on the g (18 rep. / 1 views)
3-May-14 1:39 am
Post: I had a guy leave a coke can filled with snotty... Thread: What's the most disrespectful thing a guest ever did in your home? (10 rep. / 1 views)
3-May-14 1:26 am
Post: @sexxxswagg2: I know I'll find someone eventually... Thread: What question do you NOT want to know the answer to? (19 rep. / 3 views)
3-May-14 1:19 am
Post: @sexxxswagg2: Nope it was Navy love. We were both... Thread: What question do you NOT want to know the answer to? (19 rep. / 3 views)