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10-Oct-23 8:27 am
Post: Nothn better then snorting coke off a ******* ar$e Thread: Which sexual ****ty superpower WYR have? (3 rep. / 72 views)
14-Apr-16 10:26 am
Post: Women glow and men thunder
i come from the land... Thread: What is one thing that happens only in your country? (3 rep. / 678 views)
14-Apr-16 10:22 am
Post: We should all shimmy
thats the way i like it... Thread: If you could replace the handshake as a greeting what interesting new greeting would you replace it (4 rep. / 750 views)
14-Apr-16 10:06 am
Post: How many elephants does it take to screw in a... Thread: Bad Jokes (21 rep. / 2 views)
12-Feb-16 3:52 pm
Post: Your only human of cause you love aussie accents... Thread: Sexiest Accent (35 rep. / 6 views)
11-Feb-16 10:09 am
Post: Good one Thread: Say anything in 2 words - the last one to post is the smartest (4 rep. / 209 views)
6-Feb-16 3:13 am
Post: Ppl telling me religious $hit isnt a problem.
It... Thread: Men of Reddit, what bull**** are you tired of? (2 rep. / 586 views)