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30-Dec-13 9:35 pm
Post: @Gothikchic29: That is exactly what I taught my... Thread: Girl who loves wearing short shorts. (97 rep. / 6 views)
30-Dec-13 4:16 am
Post: @LaDawn: Did you seriously just say "old lady"... Thread: Ask God Today (231 rep. / 14 views)
30-Dec-13 3:22 am
Post: @Gothikchic29: cool Thread: What's you're fav nail polish color? (18 rep. / 2 views)
30-Dec-13 3:20 am
Post: @Gothikchic29: It's my favorite color! Lol Thread: What's you're fav nail polish color? (18 rep. / 2 views)
30-Dec-13 3:02 am
Post: I don't paint my nails, but I have always been... Thread: What's you're fav nail polish color? (18 rep. / 2 views)
18-Dec-13 4:27 am
Post: I am not sure I believe in evil. Definitely not... Thread: Death (15 rep. / 3 views)
18-Dec-13 3:44 am
Post: I don't particularly care for either style. They... Thread: Whose ideals are right for the American people? (6 rep. / 2 views)