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4-May-15 7:02 am
Post: Naw, i just creep nowadays. Thread: C'mon, I'm the only one? (4 rep. / 1 views)
14-Apr-15 7:21 pm
Post: not that guy reporting in. Thread: {Non-serious} What is a sexual thing that you like watching the other sex do? (50 rep. / 5 views)
4-Mar-15 9:53 pm
Post: My dad whos recently passed. I never really onew... Thread: Dreams. . Have you ever had loved ones that have passed visit you in them? (7 rep. / 6 views)
20-Feb-15 10:10 pm
Post: @southernlady1964: uh...? You relize thats not me... Thread: Multiple verification (135 rep. / 13 views)
20-Feb-15 12:03 pm
Post: Uhm...the hell? Since when do 51 year old men act... Thread: Multiple verification (135 rep. / 13 views)
29-Jan-15 12:38 am
Post: 96-71 for my last 2 Thread: Welcome To The 2nd Annual Dating.Mobi Super Bowl Pool Game! (355 rep. / 38 views)
22-Jan-15 10:22 pm
Post: Wait theres an actual movement? Thats just..smdh Thread: How do you honestly feel about the "Fat Acceptance" movement? Do you think it is healthy, or is it d (10 rep. / 2 views)
22-Jan-15 8:02 pm
Post: oh i see what your saying now. Those that use... Thread: How do you honestly feel about the "Fat Acceptance" movement? Do you think it is healthy, or is it d (10 rep. / 2 views)