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19-Jul-12 11:37 am
Post: Black n white doesnt mattr.main thing is d nature... Thread: White and Black Relationship (211 rep. / 32 views)
17-Jul-12 5:15 pm
Post: Wow!! Realy ol fest r amazing.thanx guys n galz.:) Thread: Famous festivals of the world (16 rep. / 4 views)
17-Jul-12 5:10 pm
Post: Hope u vil get true n best one.ol d best Thread: Lookiing for the right lady (4 rep. / 588 views)
16-Jul-12 8:06 pm
Post: olright? Thread: Am just hopless pls ladies anybody heelp me (6 rep. / 1 views)
16-Jul-12 7:19 pm
Post: James thanx for updating ma knowledge.:) Thread: Famous festivals of the world (16 rep. / 4 views)