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My friends only text me if i text them first. (by pureromance1976)

16-Sep-12 2:01 am
Honestly. Why would they do that? I haven't gotten a good morning text in months.



16-Sep-12 2:03 am
I would gladly like to hear your all voices of reason or opinion on this



16-Sep-12 2:14 am
I have heard this statement 8 million times. Sometimes its hard to jus strike up a convo not knowing what the other one is doin, if they r busy etc.



16-Sep-12 2:23 am
I don't send private messages if it's not really important or not a sensitive topic to discuss on the public nor I feel someone need comforting words ( he's down, lonely or upset & need someone to talk to ) ...

But you know OP, my inbox is always open :)



16-Sep-12 2:24 am
You must've been on this site since day one :-o



16-Sep-12 2:30 am
You must've been on this site since day one :-o
You mean me ?



16-Sep-12 2:44 am
No not you. She said she's seen this topic eight million times.



16-Sep-12 2:46 am
Noooo i didnt say "i seen this topic 8 million" times i said ive heard this statement 8 million times. My friends say it to me all the time. Friends i text....



 ThatNerdyChick (32)    (31 / F-MF / Virginia)
16-Sep-12 4:02 am
I used to have that kind of a relationship with this one guy... Every day, for no reason but because I wanted to, I would text him "good morning" with a big smiley face. At one point, I stopped doing it because I just fell out of the habit, so I was surprised when he started to do it to me, every day! He told me later that he'd really missed me texting him good morning and wanted me to feel how he had. It's weird how taking the initiative can make the other person feel so appreciated.



23-Dec-12 2:10 am
I don't good morning texts either :/ So I know how you feel.



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