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Piece of My Heart PT4 (by IrishLove1988)

 IrishLove1988 (18)    (36 / F-M / New York)
15-Sep-12 9:38 pm
So, I FINALLY got my Word Processor fixed last night and I can now access my book! Sorry for the delay, but here is part 4 :)

“Is there a problem Bailey?” Chad asked sympathetically. He could tell there was something not right about the situation.
“No, no problem. Just shocked, I guess.” Bailey resumed her place beside Chad in the elevator he had been holding open for her.
They rode up to the fifth floor in silence while Bailey contemplated her father. Out of the elevator, they took a left and stopped in front of a large office. The plaque on the door read “Bailey McGuiness” and underneath that was “Lead Design”. Bailey smiled and touched the plaque, her heart swelling with pride. Chad showed her into the office, which was already furnished with an old style desk and chair. The desk was made of the same kind of mahogany wood as the floors in her apartment. There was a large window behind the desk that opened up to the most spectacular view of downtown Willette. Bailey loved it, it was perfect.
“Chad…This is amazing.”
“”It’ll do.” He said smiling.
“I can’t believe I’m actually here.”
“Well, believe it. This is your project Bailey. Good or bad, it’s all you.”
Bailey felt the pressure again, pushing down on her shoulders. She knew she had it in her to do this, and do it well. On the other hand, she felt like that inept child again. She pushed the thought aside and turned to look at her desk. It sat, plain and empty. The only thing adorning it was a green shaded desk lamp. She’d have to bring in a few things from home to make it feel a bit more comfortable. Bailey dropped her briefcase on her desk and opened it up. She pulled out the contents and put them in their rightful places. After sliding the last drawer shut, Chad spoke.
“It’s time to go and meet your contractor, if you’re ready. He’ll be in my office in just a few minutes.”
“Is it all right if I meet you there?” She asked. “I think I might need a minute.”
“Sure. I’m right down the hall. Take a right at the end of the hallway. Third door on your left.” And he was gone.
Bailey looked around her office , once more and tried to take everything in. She was beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed by her anxiety. She knew this dance. Her anxiety would overwhelm her, and she’d have a panic attack, if she didn’t take a minute to deal with it. She sat at her desk with her head between her knees, when there was a knock at her door. She shot upright and suffered a head rush for it. Of course, it didn’t help that the man who was now filling her doorway was absolutely, drop dead, gorgeous. He was tall, about six foot five, with longish dark hair, and large green eyes. Bailey had always been a sucker for green eyes. He was built like a brick house, to boot. Large shoulders and well defined muscles in his arms and legs. Bailey could tell, because his jeans and plaid shirt hugged him well, in all the right places.
“Miss McGuiness?” The man asked
“Y…Yes.” She stammered. “I’m Bailey McGuiness”
“Hello, I’m Austin. Austin O’Conner.” He said in a slightly different southern drawl, than the one that Chad spoke with. And when Bailey still looked confused…
“I’m the lead contractor on the Willette-Jordan bridge project.”
Bailey was sure that her chin was resting in her lap. This gorgeous specimen of a man was her contractor? Could she be so lucky?
When she finally regained her composure, Bailey stood, and walked around her desk, extending her hand. She was a bit embarrassed at having been caught hyperventilating. However, Austin acted as though he hadn’t seen.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. O’Conner.”
“Please, call me Austin. We’ll be working together for a while, there is no need to be formal.”
“Well, in that case, please call me Bailey.”



 IrishLove1988 (18)    (36 / F-M / New York)
15-Sep-12 9:38 pm
“Alright, Bailey. Are you ready for our meeting?” Austin asked, appraising her. He eyed her from head to toe, and made no attempt at hiding it. Bailey instantly felt self-conscious. She made an attempt at hiding her body, by turning side ways, but she tripped over her own feet and fell forward. Austin put out his arms to catch her before she crashed to floor. Instead, she fell flush against his broad chest. He made a grunting sound and Bailey tried to recoil. He held her in place. Bailey wondered if he felt the electric like current that ran from him to her. After a moment, he released her and cleared his throat. Apparently not.
“Steady girl.” He said, not unkindly.
All the same it made Bailey feel like a horse. She blushed, what she assumed, was an unattractive shade of pink. Leave it to her to be attracted to a man who thought of her as a four hoofed barn yard animal.
“I’m fine.” She said, rather frigidly.
He looked unaffected. He straightened his stance and put his arm out, leading Bailey out the door.
“Thank you.” She said.
She walked past him, and led the way to Chad’s office. She knocked on the door and when he called out, she entered, Austin right behind her.
“Ah,” Chad beamed “I see you two have been introduced.”
Bailey flushed again, and nodded. Chad’s smile faltered for a moment, but he quickly recovered.
“Austin. How good to see you again. I trust everything is going well?”
“Things are alright, Thanks.”
“So, what do you think of our Bailey?”
Bailey enjoyed hearing the word “our” used in reference to her. It made her feel like she belonged. Like she was a part of something.
“I think she’s a bit clumsy, but she seems to have her head on straight.”
“Clumsy?!” The topic of discussion said, affronted. “I am not clumsy.”
“Could have fooled me. Anyway,” Austin changed the subject “Shall we begin?”
“Sure.” Chad motioned to the large table to his right.
The trio sat down, with Bailey as far from Austin as was polite. He may be rude, but she would be professional at all costs. Bailey turned her attention to Chad who was beginning to discuss the design of the bridge. He wanted something that was strong, that could hold up to the high winds and water surges that the cities were often exposed to. Conversely, he wanted a design that was sleek, and stylish. Bailey could handle that. She had designed many bridges, all of which were still standing. Each was beautiful in her eyes. She opened her portfolio and handed Chad and Austin her designs for past projects. Austin whistled, appreciatively. Chad nodded his approval.
“These are amazing, Bailey.” Chad said kindheartedly.
“Thank you, I appreciate that.” She responded.
“Can we expect the same attention to detail and innovativeness on this project?” Austin asked, boldly.
“Of course, I give one hundred percent on all my projects.” She said, coolly.



 IrishLove1988 (18)    (36 / F-M / New York)
15-Sep-12 9:39 pm
Austin ignored that and focused on Chad.
“When can I get started?” He asked.
“You and Bailey will be working closely. As soon as the design is finished, you can start putting together a crew.” Chad informed him.
“Austin will be working on the design?” Bailey was not thrilled with the idea.
“Absolutely. He will need to put in his input on a time line and do ability. The design is all yours, Bailey. Austin will just fill in some blanks and help you to get a better understanding of the building aspect.”
“Of course.” She felt chided.
After a few more minutes of discussion, Chad had to excuse himself for another meeting. Without looking at Austin, she headed back down the hall to her office. She didn’t hear him follow her, but she could feel the electric vibrations just as easily as she did when he caught her from falling. It was disconcerting. She hadn’t ever felt that kind of current before.
“Shall we get started?” He asked when they entered her office.
“Might as well.” She was still being cold, and she knew it. It was hard for her to be warm when he had compared her to a horse. Of course, he hadn’t really, and she was trying to remember that. It was her own insecurities that had her thinking that way. Her silk blouse felt too tight, her skirt too short. She tried hard to push aside the thoughts, to be civil with Austin.
“Would you like something to drink? Coffee, water, maybe some tea?” She asked hospitably.
“Tea would be great, thanks” He answered.
Bailey was surprised. Most men wouldn’t admit that they drank, let alone enjoyed tea. Though it was one of Baileys favorite beverages.
“Hot or cold?”
“Hot please?”
Bailey walked to her desk and pushed the call button on her intercom. A few moments later a tall slender blonde walked into the office.
“Hello, Miss McGuiness. I’m Claire. I’ll be your secretary for the time that you’re here.”
“Hi Claire. Would you be so kind as to bring us some mugs and the fixings for tea?”
“Sure thing, Miss.” Claire replied warmly. “Cream and sugar?”
“Yes, thank you.”
Claire walked right past Austin and sashayed as best she could. It was impressive to Bailey, but Austin didn’t look up once. That too, was pretty impressive. Even Bailey thought the woman was striking.
“So,” Austin ventured, without looking up from the designs for the new bridge that Bailey had completed so far, “How are you liking Louisiana? I hear you’re a northerner.”
“I’m from New York, if that’s what your asking.” She said, again, rather coolly. “And I’m liking it just fine. I’ve only been here a day, so I haven’t seen much.”
“We can remedy that. I can show you around if you like.” It wasn’t a question.
“Thank you, I’d appreciate that. Chad showed me some things around my apartment but I’d love to see more of the area.”
“Where is your apartment?”
Bailey didn’t feel comfortable giving her address so instead she was vague. She told him the street, but not the number.
“That’s a nice area.” He sounded surprised. Maybe that was just Baileys sensitive ego.
“It is, from what I’ve seen. My friend Logan was going to spend today sniffing out the neighborhood. We’re trying to locate a new café to get our morning coffee.” Bailey laughed, imagining Logan running from shop to shop. She had to be enjoying herself immensely.
“Logan? Boyfriend?” He asked. Was Bailey hearing things? He sounded almost disappointed.
She laughed out loud this time.
“No. Logan is my best friend. Also, she’s a female.”
“Oh. Did you move here together?”
“Yes. She runs an online company. She wanted this to be an adventure we could take together.”
“That sounds fun. I hope you enjoy yourself.” And for the first time he looked up from the bridges he was viewing. When he turned his green eyes on Bailey she felt her breath leave her lungs in a whoosh. It took her a moment to catch it again.
“Th.. Thank you.” She was stammering again, damn it.
Just then Claire returned with a tray carrying their mugs, a tea pot, tea bags, cream and sugar. She eyed Austin again, but his focus was on Bailey. Under his scrutiny, Bailey again felt self conscience. She pushed herself and her chair further under her desk, trying to hide her stomach. It was her weakest attribute. She was somewhat comfortable with the rest of her body. Her slightly rounded stomach had always been a source of great tension for her.



 IrishLove1988 (18)    (36 / F-M / New York)
15-Sep-12 9:40 pm
. No matter how many sit ups she did, or how long she ran on the treadmill, her stomach stayed just a bit too round for her liking. Her thighs were a bit too wobbly, her arms a bit too fluttery. Overall, Bailey was content with her body image. But sometimes, when the light struck it just right, or she caught a glimpse of herself in a mirrored surface, she felt the pang of unease.
Austin smiled at her and again lowered his gaze. Claire left the room with what, Bailey thought, was a slight pout on her voluptuous mouth. Bailey understood. She knew how it felt, to have a man overlook you. It happened to her all the time. Especially when she was with Logan.
Bailey walked over to the tray and made up her cup of tea. Austin and she, reached for the cream at the same time. Their hands touched and both felt a shock run through them. Bailey pulled her hand away fast, while Austin’s lingered. He looked into Bailey’s eyes and she felt a shiver run down her spine. It was like fire, caressing her back and zipping down to her feet.
Austin felt it too, the fire licking at his neck and scorching his skin. He ignored it, determined not to react. He didn’t want Bailey to think he was interested. He didn’t get involved with coworkers. He wouldn’t go down that road.
When both of them recovered from the spark, Bailey finished preparing her tea, and sat to sip it. Austin finished his too, and began blowing on it, to cool it down. The sensual movement of his lips had the opposite affect on Baileys skin. Her skin heated to an almost unbearable degree. She averted her eyes and tried to focus on the work in front of her. Her eyes began to see the clean lines of the bridge she would design. Sleek, smooth lines running the expanse of the river where the bridge was to be built. She hadn’t seen the site yet, but it sounded pretty generic. Her bridge, on the other hand, was going to be magnificent. She could already see the even cables that would add support to the structure. She could smell the metallic scent of those cables. She could feel the vibration of the road as cars drove over it for the first time.
Austin interrupted her focus.
“So, would you like to go see the sight?”
“Sure. Should I follow you there?” She asked, hoping he’d say yes. She didn’t want to be in a more confined space with the man.
Her hopes were dashed when he answered.
“No, I wouldn’t want you to get lost. Why don’t you just ride over with me?”
She didn’t want to say yes, but she knew that he was right. It wouldn’t be prudent for her to be driving aimlessly around a city she didn’t know. Besides, she recalled, Chad had driven her to work.
“Alright, that sounds fine.”
“Ok, let’s get going then.”



 IrishLove1988 (18)    (36 / F-M / New York)
15-Sep-12 9:40 pm
Almost twenty minutes later they were almost to the site. Austin had been trying to make small talk, but Bailey had felt so confined she had a hard time focusing. Usually she could carry a conversation all on her own, but something about his presence made her feel mute. Everything she tried to say sounded silly to her. So she gave up, and only answered his questions. He asked her about her job history, and complimented her on her achievements. He told her that, he too, had been born in New York but had moved to Mississippi when he was only two years old. He had moved in with his grandmother after his parents had died in a tragic car accident. He talked about his grandmother with such obvious affection, it warmed her towards him. He had no sisters, only one brother, Jake. Jake had moved back to New York when he was eighteen. They kept in touch, but from the sound of it, weren’t very close.
Bailey told Austin about her family, and that her father had left when she was young. Austin was quiet as she explained that she didn’t talk to him often and hadn’t for many years. There was a knowing look on his face, but Bailey didn’t question him.
When they arrived, Austin parked his red Ford pick-up in a barren lot, and helped her down from its height. She didn’t want to hold his hand, didn’t want to feel the shock again, but in these shoes, she had no choice. As soon as her hand touched his, she felt it. Once again, he showed no sign of having felt it too. He did though, and it was stronger this time. It seemed to grow every time they touched. As soon as her feet touched the ground he released her. She stumbled a bit on the gravel of the lot, but caught her balance.
“So much for playing the gentlemen.” She thought rudely.
Austin led her to the site where the bridge was to be erected. The river was not all that wide, as rivers go, but it was larger then Bailey had thought. The other bank was about a mile across. There was a ferry a few yards down the shore, to carry people back and forth. The bridge being gone had been a source of consternation for people who had to travel to the opposite bank for work or pleasure. Bailey could only imagine. She was sure that people would be happy to have there commute route back.
Bailey looked across the river to the other side. It was hard to imagine that this short distance separated people so thoroughly. The river bank was beautiful though. Teaming with wild birds and other creatures. The water sparkled where the hot mid-morning sun shone on it.



 IrishLove1988 (18)    (36 / F-M / New York)
15-Sep-12 9:41 pm
It was only around eleven AM and already it was close to ninety degrees. Bailey shrugged out of her grey suit jacket, and rolled the sleeves up on her blouse. The silk was sticking to her sweating back. She unbuttoned the top two buttons of her blouse and fanned herself with her hand.
Austin smiled to himself as he watched her. She was quite pretty. The sun shone prettily off of her long hair, highlighting the natural red and blonde that was there. He liked that she wasn’t stick figure thin. She had curves and she wore them well. He sensed that she didn’t feel the same way about her curves, that he did. At the office, she had tried to use her desk to hide the slight rounding of her belly and the slope of her hips. Austin wished that she would flaunt them, play them up a bit more. Her pencil skirt was a size too big, and didn’t hug her shape the way it should have. She had it cinched at her waist with a wide black belt. He was certain the belts function was to hide her stomach.
Bailey felt his eyes on her. She ignored him, and used her jacket to cover her belly.
They talked for a few minutes about the bridge. He explained that the bank on either side of the river had widened a good hundred feet or so due to the flood waters. They had put cement walls against each side to reinforce them, so that the bridge could be constructed. Bailey watched as he spoke, and could tell that he enjoyed this work. This was obviously something that he loved to do.
When Austin was finished explaining the mechanics of it, he led the way back to the truck. Again he had to help her. She had to remember to bring flats the next time she had to come out to the site. These pebbles were hell on her shoes.
Bailey’s mind was already buzzing with more thoughts and ideas about the design of this bridge. She could see an eye catching arch halfway across the bridge, with two smaller arches on either side. It would be a suspended cable bridge with extra support columns coming up from the water. For the first time in a long time, Bailey was actually happy. She felt content, even in this confined space with Austin, where before she felt nothing but anxiety.
Austin pulled up along side her car and walked around the side of the cab to help her down. He admired her long legs as she struggled to reach the ground. Those shoes were heartbreakers. She slid roughly to the ground, following the plains of his body, which she noticed was rock hard. She felt the shiver run through her again, and pulled out of his grasp. As she did so, her body lost its footing and once more she fell forward. Once again he caught her in his powerful arms. She barely came up to his chin. He looked down at her and laughed.
“Maybe you should rethink those heels, clumsy.”
Bailey was a bit miffed, both at him and herself.
“I’m not clumsy. I’m just a bit off balance today. Must be the move or something.” She reasoned.
He smiled, “Or something.”
She climbed into her car a bit more gracefully. Without saying goodbye she slammed the door, and headed back to her office.



15-Sep-12 9:58 pm
@irishlove1988: yay! i'm so glad u posted this again, it's been a long time, but i'm glad you got your computer sorted, i've ran out of compliments for your book lol



 IrishLove1988 (18)    (36 / F-M / New York)
15-Sep-12 10:25 pm
lol Thanks @James :) Just knowing you read it and enjoyed it is enough for me :D



15-Sep-12 10:44 pm
Oh I think Austin is erecting a bridge his pants! Plz hurry with the nxt installment



 IrishLove1988 (18)    (36 / F-M / New York)
15-Sep-12 11:21 pm
LMAO!! Patience is a virtue Ram :D



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