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Why dose love hurt so much? (by Sweetytweetybabe)
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Love hurts cuz theres no right or wrong way to do it. Theres no handbook with instructions, we all have different expectations from one another, when they fail to uphold to our standards we hurt, however, jus cuz they dont love u the way u think they should dont mean they dont love u the only way they know how.
Love doesnt hurt rejection does... Being hit n the face with the fact ur day dreams will not come thru. Ok cry repeat ur self over to ur bf . An deleat his # then move on realize no one cn help who they fall for..... He was honest didnt string u along an use u.... Last decide wat ur gonna say when he calls because all men come back
I want to love and be loved again,but i'm so scared i'll be hurt again if i get into a relationship.
@Sweetytweetybabe: love is one of the ultimate trusts and companionships there is in my opinion. We put so much into a person and then they end up not being who we thought they were. It violates our trust in them. That is why it hurts sometimes because we've put so much trust and dedication into that relationship and for some reason it doesn't work. Least that's my look at it. Hope this is helpful
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