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Why won't guys treat female friends like their other male friends? (by Sparky)

 Sparky (0)  (30 / M-F / Massachusetts)
11-Sep-17 4:30 pm
Why won't guys treat female friends like their other male friends?

Example: I'm pretty sure my male friend doesn't like me romantically. He told me I was a bro - so what we have is a very platonic friendship. Yet he doesn't really treat me like one of his 'bros'?
I know for a fact I'm way closer to him than some of his male friends. But in social settings he would gravitate towards his male friends. And he's very affectionate with them (shoulder touching, hugging and all). When we're alone he pours his personal problems out but when we're with friends he won't even sit with me. I feel like I'm neither a potential romantic interest nor a 'bro' ugh




 Critter1211 (11)       (50 / F-MF / Tennessee)
11-Sep-17 11:35 pm
He can't let his buddies seeing him hugging on a girl lol. Hell idk, men are weird.



 MrWalkSoftly (16)     (59 / M-F / Louisiana)
11-Sep-17 11:40 pm
The guy is don't usually go around hugging and touching each other unless they have a little sugar in the tank.



12-Sep-17 12:16 am



 MichelleLee (1)   (36 / F-M / New Jersey)
9-Feb-18 12:44 pm
They don't want them to think you're a "tail" a friend with benefits especially if he's dating someone! Also men feel like women are more the "psychiatrist" in friendships and males are more there wing men party buddies! Now if you're very boyish , lesbian or bisexual he would feel like you're more of "one of the guys". But men are wierd with everything in general.. If you're alone and he pours his heart out to you, asks advice exct he relys on you for that he knows he can't do that with guys cuz men that get mushy with guys are usually called Gay's or feminine or extra sensitive! Wich blows the whole gay guy thing out of the water for the above commenters I'm bisexual and have had bisexual and gay friends lol so I know some things haha.. I seen guys in highschool jokingly jump on a dude and dry hump him both laughing till the one pushes him to the ground but both guys say they are straight but that's gay behavior lmfao! Hugging a man doesn't make you gay unless it lasts a very long time and or the one or both dudes start grouping each other everyone sounds like a stupid teenager in the comments section here it seems... Anyways you should just ask him when you guys are alone (to not embarrass one or both of you possibly) and ask him why he acts one way with you alone and different with your friends instead of worrying or jumping to conclusions! Assumptions are like poison make you think things that may be very far from the real truth!



 bobbykingz (0)   (33 / M-F / India)
8-Mar-18 7:12 am
@semisweet: what will a gay be doing with woman



 BigPapaRedneck (11)       (47 / M-F / Kansas)
8-Mar-18 7:41 am
I don't treat my female friends the same. Can't dlck punch someone who doesn't have any



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