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What will be the "turns out cigarettes are bad for us" of our generation? (by Sparky)

 Sparky (0)  (30 / M-F / Massachusetts)
12-Aug-17 7:12 am
What will be the "turns out cigarettes are bad for us" of our generation?




 Singhpk (27)      (44 / M-F / Uttar Pradesh)
12-Aug-17 7:44 am
Too much exposure to internet is bad for us i suppose !



 Critter1211 (11)       (50 / F-MF / Tennessee)
12-Aug-17 4:52 pm
Probably cell phones



 megsy89 (7)      (35 / F-MF / South Carolina)
12-Aug-17 5:25 pm
Hmmmm turns out being a sjw is bad for you... it leads to brain damage



 MrWalkSoftly (16)     (59 / M-F / Louisiana)
12-Aug-17 5:43 pm
Social media is pretty horrible...morons on Twitter and Instagram wh0res abound.



 emfx1 (0)   (43 / M-F / Missouri)
12-Aug-17 5:51 pm
You show me a product that doesn't cause cancer and I'll show you something that isn't on the market yet



 MrWalkSoftly (16)     (59 / M-F / Louisiana)
12-Aug-17 6:04 pm
Hmmmm turns out being a sjw is bad for you... it leads to brain damage:



 megsy89 (7)      (35 / F-MF / South Carolina)
12-Aug-17 6:16 pm
@MrWalkSoftly: perfect



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