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What is your guilty pleasure tv programme? (by Sparky)
Right now it's Better Call Saul.
My mom called me earlier asking if hers was ever coming on again....Alaska, The Last Frontier. Had to look it up and assure her it was. She'll be a happy camper this fall lol. It is a good show though.
My mom called me earlier asking if hers was ever coming on again....Alaska, The Last Frontier. Had to look it up and assure her it was. She'll be a happy camper this fall lol. It is a good show though.
@jimn: Was a wunderin' where you was a keepin' yerself, pardnah
@megsy89: paranormal lockdown best one on tv at the moment
@bullridinboy: it's on right now... lol
@megsy89: oh my damn now I've got a situation on my hands watch paranormal lockdown or game 5 of nba finals
@bullridinboy: I am watching it 

Last edited by megsy89; 12-Jun-17 11:59 pm.
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