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Trying to quit (by mainegirl)

 mainegirl (3)       (43 / F-MF / Maine)
29-Feb-16 6:27 pm
Im trying to quit smoking 20 hours so far.



 mainegirl (3)       (43 / F-MF / Maine)
29-Feb-16 6:47 pm
Does any body have any tips to make it easier im o n the patch but grr its hard



 rulost2 (35)     (54 / M-F / Mississippi)
29-Feb-16 6:56 pm
@mainegirl: those patches or vapors didnt work for me I just toughed it out. Try and smoke one on the hour then time it to two hours and keep streching it to one a day next thing you know you got it beat



 mainegirl (3)       (43 / F-MF / Maine)
29-Feb-16 8:22 pm
@rulost2: ty I kicked all the other crap but cigarette s are hard. Im trying to b positive remind myself I can do this.



29-Feb-16 11:02 pm
@mainegirl: I quit smoking over a year ago by using a personal vaporizer. The e-liquid place I went to custom made the liquid to my specs. I started at 20mg/ml and droped 2mg/ml each month until I got down to 0mg/ml. I never had the first withdrawl symptom and have been completely nicotine free for over 5 months now.



 mainegirl (3)       (43 / F-MF / Maine)
1-Mar-16 1:33 am
Ty very much that sounds awesome even w patch im having withdrawl symptoms



1-Mar-16 2:20 am
@mainegirl: also, I kept myself to 30ml of e-juice a month which is roughly four cartons of smokes worth.



 mainegirl (3)       (43 / F-MF / Maine)
1-Mar-16 2:58 am



1-Mar-16 4:13 pm
When i saw a picture of two lung scans-of a smoker and a non smoker,nobody told me to quit.The smokers lungs were literally black and bruised.I quit in my early early twenties.I carried that picture with and anytime the urge to smoke came,i just looked at those pictures and the urge will fly:).Just try it.Btw just knowing what nicotine(an insecticide too) does to the body is enough to scare u off...headaches,heart burn,insomnia,low sex drive to impotence,depression...



 RAYWAXY (0)   (34 / M-F / Nigeria)
1-Mar-16 4:19 pm
Dat sounds great! bt i dnt y sm cannot quit smokin,wel it nt easy 2 quit a particular habit for real,bt remember,smokers are liable 2 die young.#fact.



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