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25 lonely female looking for friends (by jesskalw)
My name is Jessica. I am 26 from illinois. I just moved into my own place and started a new job. I do have my son who is 8 who Lives with me but bc of work hours he pretty much lives at memaws house. I get pretty lonely here and am looking for someone to help me waste my time when I am here alone
Welcome to! Make sure to verify your pic. Helps separate you from the fakes and scam artists. You're already moving in the right direction by posting in the forums. Feel free to chime in on any topic. See ya around!
Thanks for the advice I thought my pis was already verified but I will be sure o get it done Adam! Thanks again!!
@jesskalw: welcome to the site. Goodluck on what your searching for any problems just ask someone will be happy to help you out ;-)
@jesskalw: if you want you can hit me up on Snapchat @ army.veteran.
Bueno si te interesa podr?amos conocernos y luego saber si te gustar?a tener algo para pasarla o pasar el d?a cuando est?s sola o quieras compa??a si t? quieres DantelioS 29 a?os chico joben que seguro podr?s disfrutar cuando lo quieras y si quieres saber de algo que sea ya entre los dos aparte bueno podr?amos hablarlo cuando quieras
can we meet
@jesskalw: hi beautiful how are you doing today I'm single and looking for a relationship
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