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Do good guys get ignored by woman more then bad guys (by devyn359)

61 votes
Yes they do
No they don't
 dracoff2006 (0)   (33 / M-F / Washington)
8-Dec-14 9:58 pm
I know I'm always either being told i'm too nice or just ignored



9-Dec-14 6:09 am
@dracoff2006: If you get verified & don't seem to eager & just make simple conversation, maybe be friends first. Imo, this would help. WELCOME & Good luck to you.



Last edited by Zilya777; 9-Dec-14 6:10 am.
9-Dec-14 6:17 am
FOUR deletes & ONE banning on this thread (in 11mo), I find this sad & disturbing. *Did they all just say 'f*ck it I'm out of here?'*



9-Dec-14 8:24 am
I guess ignored by everyone



9-Dec-14 9:19 am
Yes we are ignored but that should no worry you!Seek attention and everybody will run after you!



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