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Men of What is the most unattractive thing a girl could do? (by Sparky)
Says she can do it then gets sick on yourlap. GETS MAD and goes your new truck into a power pole.Pees on you while your asleep.Shoots your dog .boy the list goes on.
Says she can do it then gets sick on yourlap. GETS MAD and goes run your new truck into a power pole.Pees on you while your asleep.Shoots your dog .boy the list goes on.
Says she luv,s you then sleeps with another guy
Sometimes it slips! Even if you clench the booty cheeks together! Lmao!
Oh, and having a lot of kids and every kid has a different dad. Js
Underate a man even from their facial expression/body gestures.
Last edited by KayusBabs; 18-Jul-14 3:05 am.
Texts you then you answer
Then never get a
Then never get a
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