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I'm so sick of this ****. (by sweeterthejuic3)
I have to work 11 hours today because my manager is an incompetent drug addict. Yeah, let's legalize marijuana...NOT. F*ck a bunch of that.
Actually, let's make all drugs legal and give all the f*ck ups jobs, so the unemployment rate can go down. That'd be even better.
@sweeterthejuic3: Sorry your boss is incompetent...dont see what it has to do w legalizing marijuana tho cuz it does not affect everyone the same, nor makes everyone who does it incompetent...Hope ya have a better 'rest of the day':-)
True enough.
Maybe the boss was a fuc*king idiot all his life.
Maybe the boss was a fuc*king idiot all his life.
..Hope ya
have a better 'rest of the day':-
have a better 'rest of the day':-
The pot heads and users and drunks are employed. And have medical coverage because its a disease. So sorry but your stoned boss is probably not getting let go anytime soon. Don't you just love it?
She just got out of rehab. Back to her same lazy ass bullsh*t. They are opening an investigation on her. A BUNCH of us are filling out testimonials. Working with people who are high is miserable! But they don't realize it b/c they're high! They drop sh!t, speak slowly, forget when you tell em to do stuff, clumsy...I will never agree with legalizing pot. No matter how differently people respond to it. I shouldn't have to work 3 times as hard b/c someone wants to "relax." I know you're an exception Sammy but, you are one of the very, very few.
@sweeterthejuic3: I agree that workin w someone who is high on ANYTHING, sucks, but legalization is not about wantin to be high at work for me at all. Its about wanting the freedom to smoke when I am not working. There are breathing devices that can detect how long its been since you smoked-they were created for issues like this that would be raised up if marijuana were to become legal. Just like when alcohol was illegal, I see it as an infringement upon our freedom to choose what we put in our body. Its a matter of taking away my basic human rights. Not tryin to change your mind-just want you to see what I do:)
I see where you're coming from...and if it were made legal for people like you...I wouldn't mind. But I can't stand behind it being legal for the masses.
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