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If twitter existed all throughout history, what would be the most famous tweet of all time? (by Sparky)

 Sparky (0)  (30 / M-F / Massachusetts)
28-Mar-14 4:15 pm
If twitter existed all throughout history, what would be the most famous tweet of all time?




 TheHBKbigred (12)    (47 / M-F / Utah)
28-Mar-14 4:18 pm
How bout when the Berlin Wall came down. That was a big event



28-Mar-14 4:35 pm
"It is finished"



28-Mar-14 4:50 pm
Hitler is dead! #WWII #Nazi #mustache #thirdreich



 Kottonmouth21 (5)    (33 / M-F / Mississippi)
28-Mar-14 5:03 pm
How much u wanna bet I can make that trick eat this apple? #forbiddenfruit #evilsnake



 TheHBKbigred (12)    (47 / M-F / Utah)
28-Mar-14 5:55 pm
Just because the movie came out today. Noah and the ark #floodoftheearth. #billcosby



 CabbieSteve (0)    (43 / M-F / Iowa)
28-Mar-14 10:34 pm
@TheHBKbigred: #WhatsACubit?



 CabbieSteve (0)    (43 / M-F / Iowa)
28-Mar-14 10:36 pm
"The Redcoats are coming! The Redcoats are coming! #1ByLand"



 TheHBKbigred (12)    (47 / M-F / Utah)
28-Mar-14 10:54 pm
@CabbieSteve: #right #howlongcanyoutreadwater



28-Mar-14 11:17 pm
@CabbieSteve: lmao,



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